The Art of Public Health

We have closed the application and advised all students of their status. Our first class session will be held 4-6pm on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 in Teaching Studio 10 at the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation.

-Jaspal + Somalee, Fri 1/12/24


We are releasing the course application today.

If you are interested in taking The Art of Public Health in Spring 2024, you should: a) complete the course interest form ASAP if you have not already done so, b) complete the course application by January 10, 2024, and c) register for the course. For registration, graduate students will automatically waitlist. If you are an undergraduate, you will not be able to join the waitlist at this time, but rest assured. We reserve seats in the class for undergraduates. We will admit students into the course from the waitlist on January 12, 2024 based on the course application.

-Jaspal + Somalee, Fri 12/15/23


In Spring 2024, we will teach on Tuesdays 4-6pm in Jacobs Hall. For more information about our course, see the course listing.

Please add your name to the interest form here (estimated time 3-5 minutes) if you are interested in joining the course so that we can share updates and the course application with you when we release it in December 2023.

We will admit no more than 25 students to the course. While this is a graduate course, we intentionally make room for undegraduate students. We encourage both artists and non-artists to apply.

We are presently updating this site.

-Jaspal + Somalee, October 2023


We will teach the course in Spring 2024. Please come back here for updates. We are presently updating our site. -Jaspal + Somalee, August 2023