Eat.Think.Design. student venture Sariwa featured on KPFA

Aileen Suzara is a sustainable foods educator and eco-chef  who is completing a Master’s in Public Health in Nutrition & Sustainable Food Systems at UC Berkeley. 

416965_657452782295_10400690_33875285_1522826697_nEat.Think.Design. project Sariwa, led by Aileen Suzara, was featured on the KPFA radio show APEX Express on October 30th, 2014 in honor of Filipino Heritage Month. In this episode, the show examined a group of leaders bringing innovative approaches to solving community problems.

Producers wrote, “Through the lens of radical health, we will be speaking with Sustainable Foods Educator and Eco-Chef Aileen Suzara whose research at U.C. Berkeley and interactive “Sariwa” workshops are focused on tackling food related disease in the Filipino Community through the exploration of precolonial diets.”

To listen to the program: Filipino Innovators on KPFA


Alissa BernsteinEat.Think.Design. student venture Sariwa featured on KPFA